Posted on: 2013-02-26 15:35:09.000
I've been wanting to update newLISP on my development box to see what neat new changes and features are available. Unfortunately, it's a 64-bit Ubuntu install, and pre-packaged binaries are only available for i386 (32-bit) on
So what to do? Well, compile from source of course!
First get the source:
cd ~
tar zxvf newlisp-10.4.5.tgz
cd newlisp-10.4.5
Now you're in the source code directory. First you need a few libraries, then you can go ahead and compile:
sudo apt-get install libffi-dev
sudo apt-get install libreadline6 libreadline6-dev
sudo make
sudo make install
And that's it! To get Rockets to work on Ubuntu, you'll have to go into the sqlite3.lsp module and add the appropriate path for where it lives on Ubuntu 64-bit:
cd /usr/share/newlisp/modules
sudo nano sqlite3.lsp
Add the following line under the list of similar lines:
"/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/" ; Ubuntu
Then do the same for crypto.lsp:
"/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/" ; Ubuntu
And you're good to go!