Yet another test poll

Blog post


Rocket Man
Posts: 383
Posted on: 2013-03-25 16:49:44.000

How many roads must a man walk down?


This one features some text in here to try and see how that affects the formatting.

Poll Results:

Total votes: 92

one : 6......
two : 32..................................
three : 7.......
four : 11...........
forty-two : 36.......................................

Rocket Man
Posts: 383
Posted on: 2013-03-22 16:46:53.000
Okay, so this is working, but you can keep voting indefinitely on the same account. That will be another update. Also I want to make the poll results graphical-- that will be fun to do.

Rocket Man
Posts: 383
Posted on: 2013-03-22 16:48:22.000
Also I still have to make the poll results work in forum view and regular view. Not a big deal.

Rocket Man
Posts: 383
Posted on: 2013-03-22 16:52:59.000
Okay that last thing really wasn't a big deal. Literally I just had to add the word "post-poll-data" to the regular view.

I like it when things are that easy. I guess maybe I designed it that way.

Posts: 13
Posted on: 2013-03-23 08:19:34.000
Well done. But I can vote as often as I want.

Rocket Man
Posts: 383
Posted on: 2013-03-23 10:11:55.000
Yeah, I'm going to add a feature where it keeps track of which polls you've voted in, and then just takes away the voting option (or maybe tells you you've already voted).

But for now, go nuts!

Posts: 107
Posted on: 2013-03-23 11:34:03.000
Just looking at this blog on my phone (android). It renders beautifully - is Bootstrap doing that? Or do you do it with your code?

Rocket Man
Posts: 383
Posted on: 2013-03-23 14:48:37.000
It's mostly Bootstrap, but Rockets is designed to make it easy to work with and design sites that are responsive on mobile like this. Just (start-div "span5") (stuff in here) (end-div). You can add multiple spans that add up to 12 and that will be side by side on desktop and above each other on mobile.

I'll be documenting this stuff soon. :)

Posts: 107
Posted on: 2013-03-23 17:26:44.000
I saw that about spans adding up to 12 in Bootstrap docs, yes.

I need to do some tables allowing rows to be added without refreshing a page. That surely means sweating (& swotting) some serious Javascript DOM element code but it should be little easier within these. Bootstrap span/div constructions

Rocket Man
Posts: 383
Posted on: 2013-03-25 17:07:50.000
I've added some bar graphs for the polls.

Rocket Man
Posts: 383
Posted on: 2013-03-25 19:18:14.000
Okay, I've added a check to see if you've already voted in the poll. If you have, it tells you that you already voted and doesn't let you vote again.

Posts: 107
Posted on: 2013-03-26 04:09:24.000
Both are working. The bar graphs come out in a grid after voting. And I was correctly prevented from voting again.

Posts: 107
Posted on: 2013-03-26 04:09:36.000

Posts: 107
Posted on: 2013-03-26 04:10:35.000
though, I voted for three, and its value jumped from 4 to 7, I think

Rocket Man
Posts: 383
Posted on: 2013-03-26 07:58:02.000
Someone might have been voting at the same time. :)

Posts: 107
Posted on: 2013-03-27 08:45:39.000
aah. that would be it.

Posts: 1
Posted on: 2013-05-06 00:02:05.000
Great work !

Views: 9295