Today I implemented an entirely different way to view posts and comments, the forum view. When you view a blog post, the same post also exists in the forums. In fact, you can click on the "View post in forums" button to toggle the views.
A lot of people would tell you to write this kind of thing using the MVC (model-view-controller) model, or at least use a framework that has a templating system so that you can view the same data differently.
This is a completely valid perspective and I'm not going to argue otherwise. MVC is a well-established design methodology and it works pretty well for a lot of different applications. Templates seem like they could be really useful.
I didn't implement the forum view this way, however. I just had a toggle variable called (forum-view-post) and checked to see if it was true. If it was, then I executed a different code block. The real danger here is code duplication, which is something we always want to avoid.
The thing is, implementing this very different view took only ten lines of code.
(displayln "<h3>" (list-post-data 3) "</h3>")
(set 'header-list '("Author" "Message"))
(set 'post-data (list (string "<img src='images/avatars/" (author-avatar (list-post-data 1)) "'><br>" (author-name (list-post-data 1))) (format-for-web (list-post-data 4))))
(set 'PostId (int (list-post-data 0)))
(set 'post-data (list post-data)) ; okay these two lines of code are duplicated... I can live with it for now
(set 'post-comments (get-record "Comments" PostId))
(if post-comments (begin
(dolist (p post-comments)
(push (list (string "<img src='images/avatars/" (author-avatar (p 2)) "'><br>"(author-name (p 2))) (format-for-web (p 5))) post-data -1)) ; add each comment to the thread
(display-table header-list post-data "striped")
regardless of the language level." -- Greg Wilson, referring to actual research studies and not anecdotes.
This comes from his talk which can be found here:
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