It's not quite like winning an Olympic Gold Medal or anything, but it's a nice feeling.
I was having a very intermittent problem with long posts being truncated. Most posts are short enough that they didn't encounter this problem, but longer posts with code would sometimes just cut off randomly. The weird thing is that if I went back and refreshed the page they would go through. It wasn't predictable at all. Those kind of bugs are the most annoying!
Basically I had some old code that followed a similar technique that Dragonfly used:
(when (> (peek (device)) 0)
(if (and (read (device) post-buffer $MAX_POST_LENGTH) post-buffer) ; grab all post data, put it in variable 'post-buffer'
(parse-get-or-post post-buffer $POST)
(let ((buffer "") (post-buffer ""))
(unless (zero? (peek (device)))
(while (read (device) buffer $MAX_POST_LENGTH)
(write post-buffer buffer))
(parse-get-or-post post-buffer $POST)))
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