Apache log files typically just sit around filling up your hard drive space, a vast array of text too unwieldy to search through.
A useful thing to do is to parse these files and copy them to a database. I've written a script that will do this using Rockets. It's not a web page-- it's a script that you should run from the command line (use sudo newlisp log-to-database.lsp) It will create a new database from scratch called SERVER-LOGS.db that you can then query and search using SQLite.
The script can be found here: https://github.com/newlisponrockets/newLISP-on-Rockets/blob/master/log-to-database.lsp
Note: I may be updating this later, as the database files seems quite large (only slightly smaller than the logs themselves)
(displayln (query "SELECT DISTINCT IP FROM Logs"))
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